Monday, April 30, 2007

Media Bias

The mainstream media inform us that the U.S. suffered 100 casualties in Iraq this month. Yet they don't report how many of the enemy were killed, and precious little of progress in consolidating democracy in Iraq. So why isn't this clear case of media bias part of the news?

Friday, April 27, 2007


If you still don't believe that fame and fortune can't buy happiness, I have two words for you: Baldwin and Bassinger.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Time to Get Out

House Democrats have finally decided to get tough in the war on terror. Yesterday they announced a deadline for the thugs to get out of Iraq or face the consequences. . . . Oh, wait. That was actually an ultimatum to President Bush to withdraw our troops.

Never mind.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ignorance Squared

Celebrity Sheryl Crow has come up with a solution to the environmental crisis: limit yourself to one square. I think this idea stinks, don't you?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Mr. Conductor!

Alec Baldwin was the narrator for several "Thomas the Tank Engine" videos and played "Mr. Conductor" in a mercifully forgettable "Thomas" movie. Need I say his vicious phone-message rant against his daughter, in which he called her a pig, seems to contradict the improably wholesome image the outspoken liberal Baldwin was promoting?

I'm tempted to laugh, until I realize what embarrassment I might face if my private "tapes" were replayed to the public. One day, of course, they will be, and none of us will be able to hide behind the roles we have played. What is whispered in darkness will be shouted from the rooftops.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Book Writing

To write a book in today's world, knowledge is optional. Hey, so is the ability to write!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Rules for Living

No. 87: Bosses should never bring up a problem with a subordinate's work late Friday afternoon.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Rules for Living

No. 86: Husbands should never criticize their wives' management of the home after 10 p.m.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Many "Monsters"

Many are calling the Virginia Tech shooter a "monster." Such a term serves to distance him from the rest of us mortals, implying that he was special in his evil and that we could never do such a thing. Tell that to the Germans of World War II, the Rwandans of 1994, the Americans who held slaves until the bloody emancipation.

Yes, given the wrong circumstances, brain chemistry, heredity, choices, and opportunity, any one of us could have descended down that particular path of sin. There but for the grace of God go we.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Much More Than 15 Minutes

As the media continue to give the Virginia Tech shooter the posthumous notoriety he so obviously craved, don't be surprised if other disturbed and evil individuals decide they want their much more than 15 minutes of fame, too.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rules for Living

No. 3: Never, ever make your happiness dependent on the Chicago Cubs.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Second Thought

The much-maligned Second Amendment was written for days like yesterday.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Look Up

When the doors around you are closed and locked, look up.

Friday, April 13, 2007

End of the Line

I'm glad the racial railroading of the three Duke lacrosse players has finally ended, on the same day Don Imus was run out of town. I wonder if Jesse Jackson, who loudly supported the out-of-control prosecutor, will now offer an apology?

Thursday, April 12, 2007


An apologetic Don Imus has been ritually lynched for using hateful, irresponsible words that originated in the African-American community, at the instigation of black "leaders" such as Sharpton and Jackson, who have said far worse and gotten away with it. If Imus's overthrow is to have any healing effect on race relations in America, then the double-standard on what is acceptable speech must end.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Define "Global Warming"

Today, April 11, 2007, it's snowing in Chicago. Somewhere, Al Gore must be giving a speech on global warming.

Define "Reverend"

A man sins publicly, is humiliated, repents publicly, and goes to two prominent reverends, asking for forgiveness. Not only do the ministers refuse to forgive the man, they orchestrate a public campaign to get him fired.

Question: What kind of reverends are these?
Answer: I don't know, but their names are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

And the Problem Is?

A. Don Imus is a shock jock.
B. Don Imus said something shocking.
C. We're all shocked that he said it.

I submit that the key problem is not B. It's A.

Monday, April 09, 2007

In the Name of Tolerance

In regard to the Billy Packer flap (the know-it-all basketball analyst used the old-fashioned term "fags out" in an interview and now is enduring the expected public lynching from the police of political correctness), it kind of reminds me of the absurd controversy when a hapless professor used the word "niggardly" and was accused of racism. I want someone to tell me when the old "f-bomb" became chic and when the three-letter version became the Deplorable Word.

Michael Ray Richardson and shock-jock Don Imus are also in rhetorical hot water, this time for more obviously using bigoted words. But we must not forget that those who attempt to control speech also attempt to control thought. Whenever someone transgresses the new speech code, most people jump on the crucifixion bandwagon, fearful of being labeled soft on bigotry themselves.

And all this in the name of tolerance? Good luck!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Heaven Helped Us

Last night I saw an ad for a furniture company promising to be open on "holiday Sunday." Hmmm, I wonder which holiday (holy day) it was referring to? Is it really politically incorrect now to refer to Easter at Easter? Heaven help us.

Thank God, Heaven already did. That's what Easter is all about.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Windy City

What do you call it when it's 70 degrees one day and 30 the next? When you have a heat index one day and a windchill the next? When the wind can blow down a fence or rip the roof off an apartment building? When you get hail one day and a microburst the next? When a professional sporting event is canceled because of cold?

We call it springtime in Chicago.

Friday, April 06, 2007

First Spouses

With all due respect to Elizabeth Edwards, the recurrence of her cancer is the best thing that ever happened to her husband's candidacy. Before this is all over, Hillary may need something like this to happen to Bill.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Two Cheers

Britons are cheering Iran's release of the 15 sailors after 13 days as hostages. Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed "relief" that the crisis is over. While certainly we should be happy about the safe return of the captives, we should worry that a message of weakness and appeasement has been sent. Iran has paid no price for this provocation, so look for the mullahs to be emboldebed to do even more mischief in the future.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Tired Mother's Credo

No minute spent sleeping is ever wasted.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Double Time

Last night the Florida Gators became the second team since 1992 to win two straight college basketball national championships. After last year's triumph, the starting five agreed to pass up NBA millions for a shot at a repeat. With awesome unselfishness and talent to match, Coach Billy Donovan and the Gators pulled it off. In a sports milieu that glorifies hot dogs, selfishness, and the almighty dollar, who could not say, "It's great to be a Florida Gator"?

Monday, April 02, 2007

All Grown Up (Part Deus)

You know you're all grown up when you're the one tucking money into someone else's birthday card.